This practice is affiliated with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine training schemes. We have at any given time a General Practice registrar who is a doctor with at least 3 years post graduate experience, now undertaking vocational training in General Practice. Each of our permanent doctors is involved in the supervision and training of our Registrars and you may notice the Registrar consulting with the other doctors from time to time
Our practice also takes medical students from Victorian Medical schools on clinical rotations in rural general practice. You may be asked if you would be happy for a medical student to be part of your consultation. Your cooperation in this essential training of young doctors is greatly appreciated. If however your are uncomfortable with a third party in the consultation just tell the receptionist or your doctor you would like a consultation without a student.
Ash started working in Camperdown as a registrar in 2010. He is the current practice principal. He practices anaesthetics in the local hospital.
Outside work, he is an enthusiastic photographer and painter
Edith started working in Camperdown as a registrar in 2010 and has since gone on to get her advanced diploma in obstetrics.
She has special interest in women's health and is strongly involved in the local midwifery service.
Edith has been enjoying developing her badminton skills over the last few years and has recently picked up the cello.
Tim has been working at the Camperdown clinic since 2020 when he came to us as a registrar. He has stayed on since becoming a fellow with the Royal Australasian college of General practitioners.
Tim has special interests in internal medicine and is involved in the Deakin medical student teaching program.
Tim's family hails from this region and has returned to his roots. He enjoys reading and local politics.
Robin is a general practice registrar who started with us in 2022. He hails from Ireland where he did his medical training. Robin has a special interest in dermatology and paediatrics.
In his spare time, he is busy in his garden and renovating his home
Paul is a general practice registrar who started with us in 2022. He is a rurally trained doctor with a special interest in women's health, paediatrics and mental health.
In his spare time, Paul is involved in teaching physiology, volunteers with organisations that are involved with homeless young people. He enjoys nature hikes, bike riding and is a food enthusiast.
Seth is a general practice registrar starting with us in 2024. He comes to us with extensive experience in Emergency medicine prior to starting General practice
Brooke is a general practice registrar starting with us in 2025. She has extensive experience in Plastics surgery, Emergency Medicine and is involved in medical education with Deakin University.
Jack is currently studying medicine through Deakin University.
Outside of studying medicine, he has become involved with several of our local sports clubs.